Wednesday 5 October 2016

C Sharing and Math Centres

Here's a look at the items we brought in to share for "C" day....
chopsticks (we talked about c changing its sound when it's partner is h)

coins from New Zealand (so cool)

a Canadien jersey

cotton balls



crown and cupcake


Chloe the cat




clock and a crab



Then we read a book about a cheeky cat named Chester.  Ask your child to tell you about the book, about why Chester is so cheeky.  The author's name is Melanie Watt (that's important information in explaining Chester's cheekiness).

After recess we worked on our math centres, continuing to explore number and pattern.  One group kept telling me how easy their centre was.  I'm using these first centres to assess where the kids are in their learning.  This will help me as I plan our upcoming centres.

oh, this big cardboard box in the background sparked a lot of speculation today and a lot of questions.  It is currently an empty box, but we are going to decide what we want to turn it into (some suggestions have been a rocket ship, a house, a cave, a car) and then work together to come up with a plan.  This will probably all happen next week.

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