Thursday 13 October 2016

Be Bear Aware

Today, we had a visit from Janet from the North Shore Black Bear Society.  She spent half an hour with us and taught us how to help bears stay safe around humans and how humans can stay safe around bears.  We learned some of the foods that bears eat in the wild: berries (did you know they use their lips to pick the berries off the bushes?)



roots of some plants

Then we learned about some things that bears like to eat that aren't in their natural environment, things that we need to make sure that bears can't get to around our houses.  The first was diapers (!?!).  Janet told us that they are attracted to the diapers because babies don't digest their food fully and to a bear, that makes a good meal (!?!)

food from our green food scrap bins

packaging in the trash that may smell like food

bird seed in bird feeders.  Janet explained that we can help keep bears safe by making sure that these things are kept inside, away from where bears may roam. 

She showed us how small a cub is when it's born and explained that a Mama bear will do just about anything to protect her cubs.

We learned to back away if we ever find ourselves close to a bear.  We should also make noise and talk calmly to the bear as we back away.

Then we sang a song with some actions.

After recess, we learned at another math centre.

After math centres, we did some work with "ten frames".  Ten frames kind of look a little like the card being held up here, 2 rows of 5.  We learned how to use a ten frame to determine the number without actually counting each individual item.  For example, if there are 7 items, you will see the row of 5 and then you can count on 2 more to get to 7.  

Then, during math tubs we learned about non-repeating patterns. These are called "growth patterns".

1 white, red, 2 white, red, 3 white, red, 4 white, red......

This one's hard to see because the orange and the red links are so close in colour.  But I can assure you, it is a growth pattern.

a growth pattern that grew as tall as its creators!

Some great teamwork outside.

Centre Time fun.....

Phew, we accomplished so much today!

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