Wednesday 31 January 2018

Classroom Visitor and M Sharing

(We have gymnastics tomorrow, please have your child dress appropriately)

This is Mexico! (sounds pretty good right about now!).  We talked about palm trees and beaches....ahhhh.

Today, we had a visit from Dallas. Dallas works for the North Vancouver School District and came into our class today to share his aboriginal culture with us. He shared his language and taught us how to say a few words. 

Here we are learning to say "O Siem" (this is not the correct way to write it, but I don't have the ability to use the correct characters here). We learned all of the different meanings and uses of this word and we practiced saying it.

He showed us his drum and sang a song.

Then he put us in four little groups and gave us each animals.

this is the eagle group

this is the bear group

Then he sang a song and we danced like our animal.

Here are the eagles.

Here are the bears.

These are the killer whales.

These are the wolves.

Then all the animals got up and danced together. 

Dallas ended with telling us the story of two boys who went fishing and took more fish than they needed. He taught us to only take what we need. Then he ended with another song.

M sharing today:


so many things! money, magazine and Meatlug (a dragon form How To Train Your Dragon)


magic and measuring tape

mommy and me!


a brother with an M name

macaroni and cheese

he told us about his mom

she brought herself to school today





magnifying glass

Tuesday 30 January 2018


Photos now.....commentary later!

It's sharing tomorrow, M day!
Our next gymnastics class is on Thursday this week.