Friday 27 April 2018

Incredible Growing Tower

Many kids worked on this tower this morning.  It grew and grew and grew, it teetered and tottered and eventually fell down, but not until it was the tallest tower we've ever built!

We have some musicians in our midst.

and a little bit of chalk art! This is a picture of one student throwing another student up in the air!

Thursday 26 April 2018

Ribbon Assembly and U Sharing

On Wednesday, we had our first ribbon assembly for Kilometre Club. Kids who earned their 10 km ribbon received it during the assembly and brought the ribbon home yesterday in their home envelopes.  

We also did U sharing yesterday, here are lots of umbrellas.




A book about dinosaurs who love underpants (and someone who told us about underpants)

the sign for the letter u



this morning, a group of kids built a very impressive tower and I took this photo right before it collapsed

here it is as it was collapsing, right on to one of our friends!