Wednesday 11 April 2018

Yesterday and Today

There are so many photos to share! Here they are, I am not going to do too much writing today, but will try to explain things that need to be explained. 

Louth Garden visit

learning about recycling and composting

looking at compost

looking at worms in compost and learning about how they help turn food scraps into good soil

looking closely at worms

we went into the greenhouse and looked at the changes that have happened since the last time we visited
these are all plants that bees love

yesterday was the Teacher appreciation lunch, which was so lovely! Thanks to all of the parents who fed us and took on supervision roles so that the whole staff could eat together. Two parents from the school made an amazing cake that I just had to share. They hid some funny jokes on the cake. Do you notice that there is a letter missing in the alphabet? Because they didn't want any P on this cake (hahaha)

another joke hidden on the cake

the full cake, amazing!

We started kilometre club yesterday. I'll send an email home soon with the details but I'm sure your child could tell you all about it. Here's what it looks like.....

(and then my phone died, so I didn't manage to take any other photos.)

S sharing today



scrunchy that was sewn, and she told us about her dad who's name starts with S

Spiderman the superhero






a star shaped soap (that a sister made)

Superman, another superhero



he told us about stairs

his sharing was "Spofforth" (haha)

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