Tuesday 31 March 2015

Math, Alphabet, Feelings, iPads, oh my!

At the start of today, I thought…."oh, I don't know if I'm going to have anything to show on the blog today".  Boy oh boy, was I wrong.  We did a lot of really cool things (52 pictures later!)
Look at how creative and complex our building is becoming!

so, I have to explain….this is Sonic (he has not yet put his pants on)

after a talk about keeping private parts private, Sonic decided to put his pants on

We did 2 new activities in math today.  One was filling in the missing number in a sequence of numbers.  The kids worked in pairs and did a great job!

The other half of the class worked in pairs to do a similar activity.  They rolled a die and recorded the number and then had to write down the number that comes before and after that number.  

Miss C read a story about feelings today and the kids brainstormed all the feeling words they could think of (including suspicious, frustrated, shy, lonely, loved and naughty….wow!)

Then, each child came to the front of the group and chose a word to act out for the rest of the class to guess.  So much fun!















excited (yes, she's jumping up and down so much that she's a blur!)


excited and blurry!

can you guess?!?!?!

yes, silly!




Then, to take advantage of the amazing weather we had today, we took our literacy learning outside.  The kids worked together with a partner to see if they could print all 26 letters of the alphabet.  We had a long talk about choosing partners for learning tasks (as opposed to choosing play partners) and what to think about when choosing someone to work with so that we can learn and complete a task.  Then I let the kids choose a "learning partner"…they made such good choices!  They then worked together to print all the letters and then had to count to 26 to make sure they were all there.  After that, we had some free drawing time, playing with anyone they wanted to.

it's hard to see, but the alphabet is there

again, sorry, it's hard to see the alphabet in the photo

then it was time to trace shadows and be creative

This afternoon, we worked with the iPads.  If you're looking for a great app, "Bugs and Numbers" is great.  We played two of the activities today.  One was counting to 100 and the other was sorting and then making tallies for numbers, something that we are going to be doing more often.  Ask your child if he/she can show you the tally for numbers up to ten.  This was our first introduction to tallies today, so the kids may need to be reminded what a tally looks like.

So, for a day that I didn't think would amount to too much, we were pretty busy!  

Thanks for returning the field trip forms and money.  I'm still waiting for about 6 more.

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