Tuesday 23 February 2016

Super Builders and Chalk Masterpieces

Reminder:  Tomorrow is Rr sharing day and Pink Shirt Day!

 Wow, there was some amazing building and teamwork going on this morning.  I think the sunny morning had a positive effect on our readiness for the day!  Many of the kids worked together on different structures and were very respectful of one another as they worked towards a common goal.  I took lots of photos for fear that the structures were on the brink of tumbling….but they just kept growing!  When they finally fell, I heard comments like, "that's ok" and "that's what happens when you play with blocks"….music to my ears!

our normal "rule" is that we only build as tall as our eyes….we kind of ignored that rule today, for good reason!

another really tall structure with a different technique….and again, great teamwork and communication going on.

Look at this!!! Amazing!

What a glorious day it was today!  We took advantage of our sunny day and spent some time drawing with chalk.  There was a lot of collaboration and discussion about colour and shape.  Kids were making connections to one another's creations and some were including print in their masterpieces.  We also talked about the fact that when we create art, sometimes it's permanent and can last and last.  And sometimes it's temporary and may get erased by footsteps or by rain.  Sometimes the purpose of art is the process and not necessarily the product.  We also talked about having an audience to view our art and we were excited for you to see our creations when you came to pick us up.  One student said, "my mom's going to cry when she sees this because it's my whole family".  Precious!

Then we started noticing our shadows and Mrs. Winkler showed us how we could trace our shadows.  This lead us to an exploration of posing (fun to watch) and a discussion about why our shadows are s long.  Some of us took turns tracing each other's shadows.  

We also talked a lot about syllables today.  Ask your kids to count the syllables of some words…they are pretty good at it!

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