Thursday 31 March 2016

A Very Busy Thursday

A few of the U sharing items we didn't get to yesterday….more undies!


while we were exploring our calendar today, we noticed that our pattern was different horizontally, vertically and diagonally.  After looking and learning on the calendar, we used our bodies to illustrate the words vertical, horizontal and diagonal.

(it's a bit of a challenge to make a diagonal with our bodies, but we did our very best!)

Miss Maria read a book about being brave today.  Before reading we learned some vocabulary words and predicted whether or not they would be in our story based on some of the pictures we looked at.  We looked at each word and guessed "what's in", "what's out" and "not sure".  Then during and after reading we moved our words around to the appropriate category.  We learned lots of new words (such as "offended") and also listened very carefully to the story.  

 April hasn't even started and it's already incredibly full.  Here's a sneak peek at the calendar that is hanging behind our door.  You will notice Km Club written all over this calendar.  I will fill you in on that tomorrow and let you know what it all means.

Finally, I've been making some little "reading beads" for the class to use (I think they might have been in yesterday's post).  Well, the kids have been watching me make them and some expressed an interest in making some themselves.  One student said, "I don't need you to show me because I've been watching you".  So I gave her the beads and the twine and, you got it, she knew exactly what to do!  These kids never cease to amaze and impress me!  

I've also reminded the kids that it would be great if everyone could have a water bottle at school every day.  It was cooking today and I'm encouraging the kids to drink lots of water!

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