Tuesday 12 January 2016

A Very Busy Day

Wow, did we ever work hard today!  We are learning all about animals in winter (some hibernate, some migrate and some adapt/change).  Today, we worked on a little booklet about animals that sleep in the winter.  Some kids chose to draw their own animals, some chose to cut and paste from a page of animals.  Please look in your child's home envelope and ask him/her to tell you some facts about animals in winter.  

When the booklets were finished, the kids moved on to math tubs and practiced building patterns.  I told this student, "oh remember, we're making patterns" and she said, "it IS a pattern" and upon closer inspection, I realized that she was right.  Look carefully, can you see the pattern?!?! Amazing!

a growth pattern that has grown taller that this almost 6 year old

In our journals, I am challenging the students to start adding some printing, asking them to listen for the beginning sounds of the words in their pictures and trying to print as many as they can.  This student (I know it's tricky to see) printed "don't wake the bear" and printed names for all of the other animals that are hibernating in her picture.  

We learned all about how to tally numbers today and during iPad time, we practiced this new skill.  We also did some sorting and combining numbers to 10 (2+3=5).

The paint easel became a choice during centre time today.

Here is tomorrow's question.  I won't continue to post the question here everyday.  I just wanted to give the kids a little sneak peek the first few times so that they are ready to answer the question when they arrive in the morning.  Once the routine becomes familiar, they won't need a sneak peek any more!

Finally, tomorrow is Gymsense and Mm sharing day.

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