Friday 25 January 2019

Counting and Counting and Counting

we rotated through 5 different math stations today, using some big numbers (and smaller numbers too) and the kids worked well together counting and ordering. At this station, they had to count the number of dots on the snowman's hat and then match it to the correct numeral on the snowman's face.

Here, they had to sort numbers based on whether they were more than 10 or less than 10.

Here, we started doing a bit of combining numbers and we were practicing our number printing skills by writing the answer. We worked in pairs.

Here, we were putting sequences of numbers in order (excuse the Christmas themed pictures...haha).

We used blocks to represent the numbers and then counted the totals.

Some of the tasks at the station were counting up, and some were counting backwards.

We had 5 minutes at each station and the kids counted the entire time! Such great practice and such great focus and participation. 

Have a wonderful weekend.
Please remember that Monday is a Professional Day.
Also, please remember to send a water bottle to school with your child every day. Thank you so much!

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